webmaster: Sven Koenig

Learn all about Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF)


We are listing the participating researchers in the joint NSF-BSF project "NSF-BSF:RI:Small:Collaborative Research:Next-Generation Multi-Agent Path Finding Algorithms" (marked with asterisks) and their collaborators. The research groups are listed in alphabetical order of their universities.

MAPF group at Bar-Ilan University, Israel

MAPF group at Ben-Gurion University, Israel

MAPF group at Brown University, USA

MAPF group at Carnegie Mellon University, USA

MAPF group at Charles University, Czech Republic

MAPF group at Czech Technical University, Czech Republic

MAPF group at IBM Ireland Research Laboratory, Ireland

MAPF group at Monash University, Australia

MAPF group at the National University of Singapore, Singapore

MAPF group at Simon Fraser University

MAPF group at the Technion, Israel

MAPF group at the University of Alberta, Canada

MAPF group at the University of Southern California, USA (group webpage)

(last updated in 2022)